White people…have quite enough to do in learning how to accept and love themselves and each other, and when they have achieved this…the Negro problem will no longer exist, for it will no longer be needed. –James Baldwin
Our June discussion richly touched on various topics including Critical Race Theory, White Fragility and Dr. Robin DiAngelo’s strategy of humor to break down defensiveness, the Obama/Springsteen personal and musical conversation on race, antisemitism, asian racism, tokenism and more. Come join us, all are welcome:
Our next session is Saturday, July 10, 12-1:15 PM PDT. In this meeting for all people you can:
- Be a listening presence.
- Let us know about anti-racism work you’re doing in the community to inspire and/or invite us.
- Discuss Dr. Yaba Blay’s book One Drop (prompted by her phenomenal interview)
- Discuss the 4-minute NPR piece on The Brewing Political Battle over Critical Race Theory.
- Discuss Dr. Robin DeAngelo’s complete talk on White Fragility (we previously watched a 10-minute segment of it).
- Express your personal experiences and evolving awareness related to racism and racial justice.
- Share names of black-owned businesses, insights, or just respond in the moment.
After George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis Police officer on May 25, 2020, our mindfulness community came together as a commitment to being a positive force for racial justice. We continue to evolve these monthly open meetings to affect real and lasting change in the fabric of the United States and the world.
Each session is inspiring as we listen, learn, share and stir up ideas and actions. It’s a meeting of minds and hearts, supporting each other in a safe space.
Register here for this free event.