Weekly classes, by donation
Class Schedule
How does it feel to meet each moment with open-hearted presence?
Mindfulness guides us to the here and now again and again, tapping into our innate wisdom, creativity and healing. Without the filters of judgment and reactivity, we face whatever arises with curiosity and a fresh perspective.
Our Mission
We create a safe, supportive space for you to reinforce healthy habits of mind and body and feel connected with yourself and all of life. We offer Yoga and Meditation classes in groups and private sessions.
Relate with kindness to your body and mind through various positions (easily modified for every need), breathing techniques, and relaxation. Listen inwardly and remember your natural state of ease and wholeness.
Mindfulness Meditation
Practice focusing your mind on the present moment and noting your experiences without trying to change them. Observe habitual reactions and respond consciously with compassion, clarity and calm.

Regular meditation and yoga help you:
Relax and balance the nervous system
Effectively cope with stress and chronic conditions
Increase self-awareness and self-acceptance
Boost your energy and enthusiasm for life
Decrease anxiety and depression
Improve focus and stimulate creativity
Improve heart health
Increase strength and flexibility
Improve posture and bone health
Boost circulation and immunity